Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The rant we watched in class from the comedian/teacher was very inspiring! I loved how the guy used such emotion and strong words but performed his rant in a respectable fashion. I believe that rants are typically performed in an unstable fashion and therefore they end up being taken to such a level that they are not taken seriously. The way the comedian performed his rant he got across a lot of good information and he was taken seriously. I really liked how the rant was sticking up for teachers and making a very powerful point on how important and hard working they are. The difference between this rant and the rant performed by the UCLA girl is that this one was making a good point and was positive where as the girl's rant was very racist and disrespectful. The one thing that I really liked about the comedians rant was how not only was he sticking up for himself but he was also sticking up for a whole population, teachers. I really loved how the rant was performed in a comedic way, this way people really listen to it because it's entertaining but at the same time they are forming an opinion and learning from it. The only thing that I believe could have been changed about this rant was the fact that he started to stereotype lawyers in the performance and this added to the comedian factor but took away from his overall theme of staying away from stereotyping. I believe that when rants are performed in this fashion they are more likely to make a difference and get a valuable point across.

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