Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"It only takes One"

Every day people are faced with choices; these choices not only affect the person, but also all those around them. Officer Schoolcraft made a choice to stand up for what he believed was justified; after all, he is a cop. If someone’s decision goes against the status quo does this make their opinion wrong? In the case of Schoolcraft most would fight to defend his beliefs and actions.
            It takes a true hero to go against the big guy, also known as the boss. Most people do not even dream about stepping out of the small box their hierarchy places them in. It’s the people who decide to venture out of the box that truly change the world. Officer Schoolcraft was one of the few who bravely chose to stand up for all those who did not have the resources to. Although Officer Schoolcraft was a rule breaker, he was also a truth teller. The action of tape recording the injustices that were occurring at the department allowed the truth to break free from the cell walls. As a police officer it is Schoolcraft’s duty to protect civilians. The action of leaking the truth out and refusing to obey commands coincided with protecting civilians. If Schoolcraft had chosen to hide the truth and follow protocol he would have been arresting innocent people under false allocations. His actions of standing up and speaking out were justified by what he was sworn in to do as an officer.
            If most people were in Schoolcraft’s shoes they would have chosen the easy route, to obey the hierarchy. Every day people are belittled by the big man; children by their teacher, employees by their boss and even athletes by their coach. People mainly do what we were taught to do, obey; but what happens when obeying goes against everything else we believe in? If I had been in Officer Schoolcraft’s position at first I would not have had the courage to go against authority. After things had prevailed into innocent arrests, wasted time and victimized people I would have then stood up against the heinous acts. Although I personally side with Officer Schoolcraft’s decision, I also understand why many others chose to follow orders. If I was older with a family and pension that relied on my job, I too would have shut my mouth and followed orders. This reasoning is why not enough people stand up for what they believe in. People are blackmailed through punishments, money, unemployment and countless others in order to get them to comply.
            Months and even years usually go by before one is brave enough to break free from the binds of status quo. Although it takes time, it only takes one. After one person leaks the truth and or stands up for the innocent, others slowly follow. Officer Schoolcraft’s decision to put his job and paycheck on the line not only helped civilians but also other officers who could not do what he did. If there is one thing people can learn from his story is that we need to stand up for what we believe in. 


  1. I agree with your opinion on Officer Schoolcraft's decision. I feel that not enough people go against the status quo because they are scared of the consequences that can occur. Once they get over the fear of not standing up for what they believe in, I feel that many lives can be greatly changed for the better. Furthermore, I agree with the statement that Schoolcraft is a truth-teller to the civilians' eyes but a trouble-maker to his superiors. Eventhough he went against his employers, I feel that in the long run this will help out others. Whether it be against crimes they didnt commit or to just show you need to stand up for what you believe.

  2. Hi Carissa,
    I also think Officer Schoolcraft was a true hero to stand against his boss. I believe every officer should be like him but sadly they are just like his fellow officers, they said back and do what they are told to do. I think Officer Schoolcraft gained more trust from the community because he stood up for what the law stands for, justice. I also like your statement about how it only takes one to start the movement because after he came out with the truth a few of the other officers backed him up.

  3. The thing I like most about your blog is your style of writing. A big pet peeve of mine is when people don't know how to write or just don't take the time to proofread, but I couldn't find a single error in yours. I also like how you included that you agree with Officer Schoolcraft, but if you had a family you probably would have done the same thing as the other officers. Your conclusion was also very good.

  4. I agree with your blog post completely. Officer Schoolcraft was definitely brave to stand up against his bosses. I like when you said that Schoolcraft was a rule breaker and a truth teller because he was both. He was a prime example as to when breaking the rules was the right thing to do even if it caused trouble for the force or himself. You made a very good point when you stated that it only takes one person because it's completely true.
