Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Constructive Writing

Like most people grammar, spelling & word choice are not my forte; But unlike most people when I say this I'm 100% Serious! The last time i had a spelling test I got 5 out of 50... my family still makes fun of me for my lack of spelling abilities. If It was not for spell check my papers would all definitely be instant Failures. Along with my lack of spelling I have bad judgment when it comes to word choice. I always try to spice up my papers and put in "big girl words" but it does not always work out in my favor. I also need some guidance when it comes to transitioning paragraphs and idea. I have a lot of good ideas within my papers but sometimes they come out like word vomit. I guess this lack of organization has spread from my bed room to my papers.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carissa -- I'd be interested to see what "word vomit" looks like :-)
    Organization is tough - that's definitely something we can address in class and goes hand-in-hand with transitions. And we'll talk about when to use the "big" words and when to keep it simple.

    Good job on the blog thus far! Looking forward to reading your first essay.
