Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Face Book

Most teenagers believe Face book was the greatest invention aside for the television.  Face book can be used by people of all ages worldwide in a cornucopia of ways.  Some use face books large audience as a social network, while others use it as a business network. With the mixing of these separate worlds social and work life are sure to be mixed on occasion. This availability of access to one another’s lives may be useful, but it can also be costly.
                People across the world get involved with face book not because of the cons but rather for the pros. Face book is a large social network that allows people from all over the world to connect with one another. Many people have come to use face book in order to re connect with old friends. This site allows friends to keep tabs on one another no matter what obstacles come forth, like re locating and sickness. Face book also is an amazing way for workers to network with one another. Many struggling musicians and artists can use the website’s vast range of users to get their work noticed. It also allows fellow co-workers and businesses connect with each other in a fast easy way. Parents across the nation believe that many children are wasting their days away on face book. As true as this statement may be, face book also has qualities that are useful for teenagers. Face book allows seniors planning on attending college to make friends with people at colleges and learn where they may fit in best and why. Many students use face book in order to meet a potential roommate. Face book is a good way for teenagers to look for work, find volunteering events, and countless other important extra curricula’s. Obama being elected President, the events of 9/11 and face book are all things that will be connected with people from our time.
                Most people use face book in a sensible fashion and in terms only view its pros; but there are people who use poor judgment with face book  and cause the valuable site to carry a stigma.  These days people mainly use face book as a social outlook. They post a status every second so that people are forced to know about every breath they take.  As fun as it is for the posters to believe people actually care, this could cause a dangerous situation with stalkers.  As materialistic as people are, they want as many friends as they possibly can on face book. This causes a vast amount of people to have access to all of your personal information, and all of your daily posts.  This in terms can lead to rapists and dangerous people to having  access to information that could potentially harm you.  

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